Monday, July 30, 2007

Louka's blackboard

We have the use of a big backyard here at West Ryde. However, there's not much in it for Louka to do. She likes playing with the chalkboard at my parents' place, so even though she eats the chalk I thought it would be good to put one in here.

We found a cheap pre-painted masonite one at Bunnings and screwed it to the fence. Mum and Dad donated some jumbo chalk that Micky's kids had when they were little. And this morning while I hung out the washing, Louka drew on the board. That kept her amused for a while, but she still ate the chalk.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

At the park

Mothers group met at Willoughby Park yesterday morning. Jeeeeez it was cold! Louka didn't seem to feel it though, perhaps because she was wearing the mohair jumper Pat knitted for her.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Moving house

John and Meagan came up from Orange last weekend to help us move the big stuff from our place to West Ryde. I helped by keeping Louka out of the way ― at my parents' place for the day!

It seems strange seeing all our furniture in the "wrong" house.

And home (though it won't be home for much longer) looks very bare!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Nana's taking us to the zoo

Ever since Pat arrived in Sydney, she's been wanting to take Louka to the zoo. But for weeks the weather was too wet. Finally this week the weather broke and after visiting my parents on monday and Nicky and Jasmine on tuesday we made it to the zoo today.

The morning looked lovely and sunny and when we met at the Taronga Zoo ferry the sun was shining. But at the Taronga Zoo wharf it was overcast and very windy. And the day continued patchy, sometimes sunny, sometimes not, sometimes calmish and sometimes a howling gale. Never mind.

The reptiles were mostly pretty dull for Louka, not moving (except the turtles which she always loves). The koalas were asleep, but she was pleased to see them. She recognised the giraffes and zebras, the bears and the deer.

But the best of all was the tropical aviary, where you could walk through and be there with the birds. Louka was able to feed the red lory with a discarded mealworm.

After all this excitement, she fell asleep in the sling, so we headed back to the ferry and home.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Mothers group at Nicky's place

Today Nicky and Jasmine hosted the mothers' group meeting. It was a lovely sunny warm winter day, so we spent time in the back garden. Unfortunately my camera was playing up so no backyard photos.

I then went to Chatswood to weigh Louka at the child health centre. It's been a long time since she was weighed, but still I was a little shocked to find she weighs 12.25 kg ― though that is fully dressed, including shoes.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Moving house... to West Ryde!

Yes, we've bought a house in Harbord. However, Graham's Nana Joyce stated in her will that her house must be sold within twelve months. So Graham offered to house-sit until it's sold.

Oh well, we're getting it rent-free, we can rent out our flat and make a bit of money to help pay off the mortgage. And Louka will have a great big back yard to play in.