Monday, February 28, 2011

Louka is 5

We spent the weekend with my parents at a beach house in Pearl Beach. Louka's birthday happened to fall on the Saturday, so we took her present and chocolate ice-cream cake with us. And mum bought a delicious Lindt nut cake as well as a present.

We drove up on Friday, arriving just after 11 o'clock. The real estate agents seemed to be pretty unprofessional: despite the booking slip stating check-in was available from 11am, they said it was usually noon and had to send someone round to turn off the alarms. Oh well, there was a good climbing frame just across the road, so we waited till Louka had had enough climbing. We bought some takeaway banana bread from the general store to fill in the time till lunch.

We went to Pearls on the Beach for dinner. It was really really nice - the fresh fig fritters with ginger ice-cream was possibly the best dessert I've ever eaten. The room was calm and spacious, the view was beautiful (and visible from all tables) and the service was friendly but professional.

Next day was Louka's birthday. We gave her some board shorts, a rash top and a boogie board. She claimed the boogie board was just what she'd always wanted. So we went down to the beach to try it out.

Mum had heard good things about Patonga fish and chips, so we headed there for dinner, arriving just after 6pm... just as they were closing. So we went next door to the pub for fish and chips instead. It was good pub fish and chips, and the outdoor eating area was a good beer garden. Not bad.

Next morning Louka did some more boogie boarding, then we went to Pearls on the Beach for lunch before it was time to go. Well, you have to make the most of good things while they're there.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Pin the horn on the triceratops

For louka's bithday, we are playing pin the horn on the triceratops...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

School friend

Louka has a new best friend.

Last week when we were nearly home from school, I heard "Louka, Louka!" from a little girl walking with her mum and dog. Louka immediately ran over to the other girl and started showing her around our front garden. But the girl and her mum were on their way to a café. Both girls then begged for Louka to be allowed to come too, so off we all went. After afternoon tea we all continued home with the little girl (I'll call her A). A showed Louka her bedroom and playroom, then wanted food. So A's mum (I'll call her T) put out watermelon and other fruits for the two girls. We didn't get away till nearly 6 o'clock.

Next day they met again at school pick-up time, scootered home together and stopped at our place. They played in the park and in Louka's room, again till nearly 6 o'clock. Next day, T didn't want such a late afternoon so A was not allowed into our house, but the girls played in the park for about an hour.

Since then, we see them every morning and every afternoon, on the way to and from school.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

First day of school

Louka started school today. She didn't seem particularly fazed by the whole thing, though her imaginary friends were all wearing matching school uniforms.

In the classroom she went straight to the dinosaur lego and hogged it the whole time I was there, reluctantly giving other children one or two dinosaurs. When it was time for me to leave, she gave me a perfunctory kiss and went back to the dinosaur game.

At pick-up she greeted me with "I didn't have that much fun at school today." Then she showed me around to the covered lunch area and the playground, where she played for half an hour before we headed home.