Monday, May 30, 2011

And swimming star!

At Louka's swimming lesson on Saturday, she was assessed to see if she was ready to progress to the next level. I wasn't really expecting her to be ready, as I'd been told when she reached her current level that "kids tend to stay there for quite a while". However, after two terms she is now ready for level 1. I am so proud.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Louka the sports star

When I went to pick up Louka from school today, two of her friends ran down the stairs to tell me she'd won a trophy at sport. Louka followed more slowly, carrying the cup. She couldn't tell me more about what she'd won if for.

The trophy is inscribed "sports star of the week" and has to be returned to school next Thursday.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Louka the potter

Last school holidays, Louka did a pottery class with Willoughby Council, making garden gnomes. She was very taken with the teacher (a man, for once) and made him a little book about pottery - and when she did another class with him, not pottery this time, he went through it in front of the whole class. I could see why she liked him.

Finally, last week, I got a phone call to say the pottery had been fired and was ready to pick up. Louka was very pleased to put her gnomes in the garden at last.