Thursday, April 26, 2012

School centenary

Louka's school is 100 years old this year, and to commemorate this they decided to have all the kids and teachers photographed in 1912-style clothes. We weren't supposed to go out of our way to make them authentic, and I was going to have Louka wear an outfit she'd dressed up in last year as "The Bush Girl".

But over the school holidays it dawned on me that those clothes had been a little small on her at the time, and she's bound to have grown since then. So on the first day she went back to school I raced round all the shops at Warringah Mall looking for an old-fashioned outfit. And this is all I could come up with. (The apron is from the "Bake a Cake" tap-dancing item her class presented last year.)

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Louka's pillow

Louka was rather restless in her sleep last night, so Graham got into her bed to cuddle her. It seemed to help.