Thursday, August 30, 2007

Back on the bike

What with moving to West Ryde, and the bout of miserable weather (and perhaps a little laziness on my part?) we haven't ridden the bike for a while. And at the rate Louka's growing, she'll grow out of the bike seat pretty soon (it's only rated to 15kg). So this morning we went for a ride.

It took a while. First I couldn't find Louka's helmet. Then I couldn't find the pump. It was fiddly getting the bike past the very makeshift gate that's been recently added to keep Richard's daughter's puppy in. And then, we got to the shops and I found a place to lock up the bike ― and I'd forgotten the bike lock! Back to the house we went.

But it's pretty good riding on the roads here. There isn't much traffic on the little local streets, and the bigger ones have bike lanes. We did our shopping, then down to the playground at the end of the road.


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