Sunday, March 02, 2008

Party party party!

Yes, it was three parties in one today. Louka's birthday, my dad's birthday, and my birthday all fall within a couple of weeks of each other, so it seemed easier to combine parties. Of course, this did result in three cakes to eat, so we all went home feeling extremely replete.

Louka got to wear the lovely dress she'd been given by the boys in Perth. It suits her beautifully.

We started with a barbecue, followed by dad and me blowing out candles on our cakes. Then we ate dad's cake and had some coffee, and dad and I got our presents.

Louka discovered the midyim berries growing in the garden, and ate them all.

Then a bit of a break for digestive purposes before afternoon tea with Louka's ice-cream cake and my little chocolate cakes. There were party hats, blowers, and fairy bread. Then Louka got her presents. It was all a bit overwhelming for her.



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