Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Trishy's birthday party

My mum's birthday is in Winter, which is possibly the reason we usually celebrate it at a restaurant instead of with a barbecue as we do for everyone else's. This year we went to a local restaurant, Kopitiam, for Sunday lunch. The spring rolls and satays were especially nice. After lunch we went back to my parents' place for coffee and a Middle Eastern coconut cake I'd made, which was also delicious.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Art and move

I recently enrolled Louka in Art and Move classes, and our first session was this morning. I was a little concerned about her in a structured environment, as she'd totally ignored the singing and story-telling at a recent playgroup we attended. But today she joined in enthusiastically in the singing, dancing, painting and other activities. I was so proud of her!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Louka wins a tea-set

Louka was so nearly toilet-trained last year, but this year she seems to have regressed. In an effort to motivate her, I promised her a tea-set if she could go three consecutive days and nights without wetting a nappy, pants, or the floor. Well, she did it (not straight away, but after a couple of days). Not that she initiated going to the potty, but she did hold on until one of us took her.

She actually went four days, but then the afternoon after buying the tea-set, she wet her nappy. Oh well...

Sunday, June 01, 2008

We're home!

Ten months after moving to Joyce's house, we're finally back home. On Friday I got the removalists to move the large and delicate furniture (they were supposed to be there between 11 and 2, but they finally arrived at 4pm: fortunately the GPS found us a back-route through the traffic). This weekend we're trying to move everything else back.

Louka doesn't seem to remember it at all.