Monday, December 10, 2007

Potty tales

I'm pretty impressed with Louka's ability to hold on these days. For the past week her nappy has been dry in the morning. She does a big wee in the potty first thing in the morning. We've even had a couple of nappies that have lasted more than one day.

We'd had no pooey nappies for weeks, until yesterday. She was actually saying "poo, poo", but I was busy and wanted to finish what I was doing. Silly me!

She also tries to do wees in the big toilet so I try to take her there while we're out. It seems we're getting there at last. I can't wait to get her some ordinary (non-absorbent) pants!

Update 14 December: I think I jinxed us by writing this on the web for all to see! The last three nights we've had wet nappies, and we've had wet nappies on outings too.


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