Saturday, July 05, 2008


Curlilocks, Curlilocks, wilt thou be mine?
Thou shalt not wash dishes (well, not just yet) nor yet feed the swine (but perhaps the chooks?)
But sit on a cushion and sew a fine seam (yeah right)
And feed upon strawberries, sugar and cream (definitely!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liz and Louka!

So, so cute! Love the knitwear and curls, and where did you get strawberries this time of the year!? Lucky buggers. We've just apples, mandarins and oranges.... (yawn).

Is Louka's left eye a bit lazy? I've noticed in a few pictures it seems to be a bit crossed over.

We're ALL on holiday at the moment. Bruce just got back from India last week (working at a student chiropractic clinic) and Tom and Dylan just got back from Melbourne on Wednesday. And no school for another week - fantastic!

Hope you are all well and enjoying being back home. Lots of love and hugs to Louka-Lou!


10:08 am  
Blogger Liz + Louka said...

Hi Jose,
I think the eye thing is probably just an artifact of reducing the images - I haven't noticed anything.

I think our strawberries come from Qld, not that I looked.

Hope you're having a lovely holiday.
Love to all of you.

12:56 pm  

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