Friday, December 26, 2008


Christmas was so exciting for Louka this year. She woke up to a big present from Santa: lego dinosaurs. Santa seems to think Louka is very advanced for her age and able to follow lego directions for 7-year-olds, but she asked mum and dad to make it for her.

Then off to Trishy and Johnny's place for a family present-giving by the tree she'd decorated on Christmas eve. There was a great big dolls house (which, again, daddy had to make) as well as finger paints, music, clothes and jigsaws.

For lunch, we'd been invited to visit Graham's aunt Clara and uncle Michael for a barbecue ― no presents ― but since Louka and her little second cousin Amber would be there, we figured there'd be presents for the kids. We were right, and Louka got a teddy bear, two books and a bubble-blowing machine. She was getting a bit tired at this point, and started to ask to go home. But she was also saying we should "go and get more presents!".

She fell asleep on the way back to my parents' place but woke up for dinner. She loved pulling crackers, and was clearly impressed by the flames around the pudding this year. After dinner she was hard to get home, and when home, hard to get to bed. But she slept well.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liz and Louka!

Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas! Thanks very much for the lego - it has kept the boys amused and occupied for days (almost a week!) so far! And thanks, too for the chocolate mix - looks very yummy, will enjoy trying it out!

Hope all is well.
Lots of love,

10:50 pm  

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