Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I know perfectly well that Louka can roll over and move around. So why did I leave her on the sofa while I prepared to go out? I really don't know. Next thing I knew she was howling and lying on the floor.

So I took her to the hospital emergency. By that time she was quite cheerful and bright, and I felt a bit silly when I saw kids with blood running down their faces and heard kids coughing like the creature from the swamp. But the hospital staff said it was the right thing to do, and took her temperature, looked in her eyes and ears, attached a sensor of some sort to her toe, listened to her heart, and took various other measurements. And they kept her under observation for four hours. During that time she was surprisingly good-tempered, only getting a little grumpy towards the end, even though I had to hold her on my lap the whole time.

They found nothing wrong with her, but gave me a letter to take to the GP tomorrow or Friday. I hope that means she's just fine.

Tonight at dinner she showed she's now really got the hang of raising the bottle to drink from it.


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