Saturday, January 13, 2007

Beach brekkie

This morning was grey and cloudy, so it seemed a good idea to go to the beach. Why? Low UV, less chance of sunburn. We went back to Harbord (Curl Curl) where it's easier to park than at Manly, and there's a wading pool for Louka.

She looked very feminine in her pink frilly bikini.

I'd forgotten my swimming togs so Graham had to take her for a paddle. It wasn't as cold as Manly last weekend (apparently there'd been a cold snap in the sea temperature) but nor was it as warm as it had been at Harbord the previous time.

We had brekkie at the café then took Louka for a tricycle ride round to the Harbord Diggers. By the time we got there she was sleepy and put her head on the handlebars to go to sleep. However, when we tried to cushion her head with a towel, she woke up and wanted to be carried, so Graham carried her back to the car.

We thought since we had the car out we'd drive to Chatswood and do a bit of heavy shopping. We waited for half an hour to turn the corner into Albert St, only to find the street was closed! There was no sign on the highway to warn us or the other thousand drivers trying to go that way. We were not impressed.


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