Sunday, February 25, 2007

Birthday party

It was going to be a birthday barbecue, and we drove through drizzle to my parents' place where dad was actually lighting a fire when we arrived, but then the rain really came on.

I'd baked her a pineapple upside down cake for a birthday cake (practice run at the mothers' group birthday bash). While we sang Happy Birthday, she grabbed and ate the glacé cherry from the centre.

Her biggest present was taller than her! It turned out to be a robot dinosaur, with advanced futuristic body armour. She wasn't scared of it one bit.

Earlier she'd received a very cute pair of jeans and top from Aunt Clara. They make her look so grown-up!

Later the rain stopped, and though it wasn't sunny, it was good enough to draw on the blackboard and play on tricycles. Max helped Louka do a wheelie!

After partying long and hard, Louka had to sleep it off.



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