Friday, November 30, 2007

Pre-Christmas Sydney

Today I thought I'd brave the pre-Christmas rush and go into town to do some Christmas shopping. We got off quite early so I decided to take the Meadowbank ferry instead of the train. Louka enjoyed that, as she could run around the deck, and examine the nail-polish on the toenails of a family (red for the mother, blue for the girl and boy). Oh, she did look out occasionally too.

We met Dad for lunch, except he'd had a huge farewell morning tea and didn't want any lunch. So instead we visited the Myer toy department, where they had a Christmas play area for kids. Louka wanted to go on the train. I was dubious, since it was children only, but the staff assured us they'd stop the train any time a child got upset, so on she went. And it was another child who got upset. Louka went happily round three times, but threw a tantrum when it was time to get off. She was pacified by playing with crayons on "letter to Santa" paper, but threw another tantrum when I got hungry and dragged her off to get some lunch.

I got some takeaway from Iku, of which Louka liked the blood-orange juice. Then on to Dymocks to buy books for Christmas. I found the ones I was looking for, bought them, and was heading out when I thought it would be good to get something for Louka to read on the train home. That took a lot more searching than the Christmas presents! Eventually I chose two: one by the author of The Bunyip of Berkeley's Creek, which she loves, and one about Big Bear and Little Bear whom she liked in another book.

After a nice banana smoothie from DJs, we headed home. Louka was in a good mood when we reached home, but she happily went to bed and to sleep.



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