Thursday, February 26, 2009


My goodness how time flies! Louka is three years old today. She seems a bit ambivalent about having a birthday - says she's bigger and taller, but denies that she's three.

Graham's dad and sister and dad's partner are in Sydney, and we'll all go out to dinner with his aunt Clara and uncle Michael to celebrate. In the meantime, we had morning tea (babycino) in town with Trishy, who gave Louka a card, then lunch with Graham at Bungalow 8, which we haven't done for ages. For the first time, Louka had a full-sized meal of fish and chips, and made pretty good inroads into it too. We then visited Graham's office where Louka decorated the whiteboard.

When we got home, Louka watched Play School then had a nap. She'd just woken up and was none too cheerful when it was time to go out to dinner, so I sent Graham off to let everyone know they were in the right place, and read Louka a book. Didn't take long, and then she was happy to go. The restaurant was Wakana Yakiniku, a Japanese barbecue restaurant, and the food was delicious. Then the presents started to arrive. Graham's dad had brought presents from Graham's mum and sister in Perth too, so there were lots. After she'd opened each one, Louka said "I need another present"! But the sheer number eventually wore her down and she stopped asking.

After dinner everyone came round to our place for tea. Kim (Graham's sister) and Louka got each other all worked up and hysterical with laughter. It took a long time for Louka to get to sleep.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Drawing for the Artistically Undiscovered

I bought Louka a fantastic art book called "Drawing for the Artistically Undiscovered" by Klutz. It is designed for people between the ages of 3 and 103. Obviously she can't read or follow instructions for that matter, but the free style nature of it works for her.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Without me

Today, for the first time since we took her home from hospital, Louka spent several hours without me. (I went to a members' function at the museum, to see their new building. It was fascinating, and I could have spent twice as long there.)

At 3:30pm I dropped Louka off with Graham at his work. He took her to see some of her co-workers and I headed off to the museum. At about 4:15 I got a text message that she was asleep (she'd fallen asleep in Graham's arms in the train home). So I enjoyed myself till ten past six, then thought I ought to head home. I rang Graham and found Louka had been very upset, but was just beginning to calm down.

When I got home, Graham and Louka were sitting at the table looking at a book - John Brown, Rose and the Midnight Cat. She didn't even turn round when I came in. She did tell me later that she'd cried.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

A day at the Museum

We spent nearly five hours at the Museum today. Thursdays are family days, where they have storytelling and art and craft in Kidspace.

Painting at the easel:

Playdough, with playdough dinosaur head:

Tyrannosaurus rex on dollshouse:

At the dinosaur exhibition, Louka always says "You're a Brachiosaurus so you stand by the Jobaria; I'm a Tyrannosaurus rex and I'll stand by the Afrovenator". This is the Afrovenator:

Digging for dinosaur bones:

Creating your own dinosaur:

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I've been thinking about what cake to make for Louka's third birthday, and had seen this recipe on the Grab Your Fork website. Today Graham had to work late shift (noon till 9pm) so he had the morning at home, and thought Louka might enjoy making cupcakes. And we had some overripe bananas.

Louka's contribution was small but critical - she carefully put a paper patty pan in each hole in the muffin tray - and Graham and I shared the rest of the work. Louka was interested in seeing them rise in the oven, and good about not touching the hot oven.

When they came out they were towering, but did sink a bit. I'll have to use a thick icing if I do use these for birthday cakes. This time I didn't bother icing them at all. We managed to wait till they were slightly cooled, then hoed in. They are delicious!