Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trishy's birthday

My mum is a determined woman. It was her birthday, and she wasn't going to let any old virus get in the way of her celebration. She'd wanted a family get-together, and someone suggested a restaurant with a private room. I looked up restaurants with private rooms and found Perama, which I'd heard was good. But when mum booked they said she didn't need a private room.

Louka had a nap from about 4pm, and woke just before 6pm so we quickly got her ready and rushed off. It helped that we were going out to a restaurant at night; it's something she talks about. And even better, her beloved Max would be there. We were about quarter of an hour late, but so were mum and dad.

A banquet seemed the simplest option for the ten of us, and a banquet it certainly was. We were all fairly full before the main course arrived. Max shared his meal with Louka, and by this time she'd had enough and was bored. So Max took her for a walk, and they returned with markers to draw on the paper tablecloth. Eventually the dessert arrived, and Louka happily gobbled up Max's ice-cream.

It was past Louka's bedtime when we left, but she didn't fall asleep in the car. Graham did though.


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