Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Museum and art gallery

Today Louka wanted to go to the museum ― it's been quite a long time. I forgot how busy it gets in the school holidays, and we had to queue to get in, and the dinosaur exhibit was very crowded. We had to wait again to use the computer to design a dinosaur, and the kids waiting meant we could only do one. So we headed to Kidspace which, being for preschoolers, wasn't as crowded.

After a while in Kidspace we had our lunch in the café ― under new management it seems, with a smaller menu and no fish and chips. Then we needed to refill Louka's water bottle so I took her to Search and Discover where there's a nice bathroom. Then we spent quite a while checking out the various bones they have there.

We then visited Trishy at the Art Gallery. We didn't feel like afternoon tea so instead we looked at the Intensely Dutch exhibition. My image of the Dutch is rather stolid, but these paintings were brightly coloured and dramatic. Louka most enjoyed the ones with extreme impasto, or even swathes of applied plaster. Maybe she's really more a sculptor than a painter.


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