Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I've booked Louka into some holiday craft classes, and the first of them was this morning. It went on for two hours, with a snack break in the middle. I wanted to see if I could leave Louka there on her own, so once she was settled in, I went off to the local shops and got myself a takeaway coffee, then snuck back and looked in through the window. She was totally engrossed, so I sat in the car with my coffee and a book. I checked through the window every so often, and she was fine, until snack time. She was starting to look unhappy, so I went in.

After snack time I thought I'd go off again, but Louka wanted to come with me so I stayed. For some of the time I sat outside the door reading, but when I looked in again Louka saw me and wanted me with her, so for the rest of the class I sat with her. She seemed to enjoy the class, which is just as well as I've booked her in for seven more.


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