Saturday, November 26, 2011

Road trip 2011 - part 5

Next day we headed off for Arakoon National Park, home of Trial Bay Gaol. The gaol was initially built as a Public Works enterprise to house prisoners who could build a breakwater. This went on for many years as they attempted to rebuild the breakwater that kept being washed away. Eventually they gave up and the gaol was abandoned - until WW1 when it was reopened to house enemy aliens - that is, people of German descent who might find their loyalties on the wrong side. As we explored the gaol ruins the weather worsened and we got cold and wet.

The German prisoners found ways to fill in time, becoming book illustrators and craftsmen. They also got together to build a memorial up the hill from the gaol.

There were signs saying to leave the kangaroos alone as they could be agressive. So Louka didn't try to pat them.

The camping area was huge and it took us a while to find our spot. It was a good one, though, right beside the beach. Louka quickly headed off to explore.

She also headed off on her scooter round the camping area. We couldn't see her and she lost her way. Graham made enquiries of the few other people there and eventually brought her back.

Next morning was pouring with rain. We checked the weather forecast: rain. We'd booked another night and Louka was keen to stay but it was two against one, so we decided to head home.


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