Saturday, September 16, 2006

Ku-ring-gai Chase

This afternoon we decided to take Louka to Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park to see some nature. She started the drive quite cheerful, but got upset on Bobbin Head Rd until she fell asleep when we reached the bumpier road inside the park. When we arrived at Bobbin Head she was asleep, so we just carried her on the mangrove boardwalk and on up the hill. At the top she woke up, so we carried her back to look at what she'd missed.

Then we headed up to the Kalkari Visitor Centre. We stopped at the bird feeding tray, where Louka was fascinated by the ducks, and a brush turkey wandered through. Then we continued along the path till we saw a wallaby grazing on the lawn ― but we couldn't attract Louka's attention. On the way back over the pond Graham noticed a tortoise with its head sticking up from the water. As we watched, it swam nearer, until it was right at the edge beside us. When we put out our fingers it raised its head as if to touch us. We thought perhaps it was used to people feeding it, but the ranger said not. Louka wanted to grab the tortoise and put it in her mouth.


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