Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Today was stinking hot: according to Weatherzone it got up to 38°C. Graham wasn't feeling well so he didn't go to work, and Louka didn't have much of a nap, or else the heat was getting to her, so she was a bit irritable. So I took her to Chatswood to hang around in air-conditioned shopping centres. We looked at the puppies in the pet shop, and I had some lunch. Louka had a short nap and a quick breast-feed ― she's not eating a lot of solids these days ― then I brought her home.

Our neighbour showed us where a possum was curled up beside a garage door to sleep. Apparently it had been there all day. Louka wasn't much interested, as it wasn't very active. I just hope the neighbour's cat doesn't get it.

After dinner Graham gave Louka a luke-warm bath, and she fell asleep on his chest! She's done that before with Graham, but she never does it with me.


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