Saturday, November 18, 2006

Lunch on the Chinese side

Today we had lunch with Graham's Chinese grandmother Linda, and his aunt and uncle Clara and Michael. Linda is very old, in her nineties, so she had Ah-Sun (did I get that right?) to help Clara look after her. Louka took to Ah-Sun immediately, though she still cried for mummy when she was taken outside.

Clara had put on a delicious yum-cha style spread for us, with even chicken feet! I admitted to not liking chicken feet, but Clara said she was impressed that I'd even been game enough to try them. I did like everything else though, especially the egg tarts (my favourite).

Louka wasn't interested in any food, but she did enjoy some watered-down apple juice. Then she sat amusing herself while the rest of us ate. She was very good until about 2 o'clock when she started to get tired. Linda was getting tired too, so we said goodbye.


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