Sunday, November 19, 2006

Manly morning

Last time we were in Manly, we saw a stall at the markets selling baby shoes. They're quite similar to the Robeez styles, but much cheaper (I guess because there's no middle-man). This woman has been making them for 26 years, since her baby was little. Now Louka is walking (not by herself yet!) we thought it would be good to get her a pair so she can practice walking on rougher surfaces.

So this morning we headed back to Manly. We were a little later than usual, but it was a lot busier than usual. When we reached the beach, we discovered why: the Manly Surf Club Junior Surf Carnival was on. We ate at Café Steyne because we had an entertainment book voucher. It was nice. Then we walked round to Shelly Beach, looking at the bees on the flowers, then back to the market.

After trying on a number of shoes, we opted for a green pair with white ducks. They look very cute on Louka.

She slept well in them on the way home .


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