Friday, October 20, 2006

Lunch with Michaela

My sister works at Sydney University, and it dawned on me that it wouldn't be that hard to get there and have lunch with her. The day was forecast to be hot, so we decided to eat at the café rather than bring lunch and sit outside.

The train to Redfern was not air conditioned so it was pretty hot and Louka got sweaty. It was better when we got out; at least it wasn't so stuffy.

We arrived at Micky's office and she had just finished being busy, so after introducing Louka to Micky's colleague Ricardo, we went down to the café. While my lunch was being prepared, I fed Louka with apple and sweet potato.

While I had my coffee, Micky took Louka to see the exhibition of staff and student works. Louka enjoyed the ever-changing projected wall display, and the bicycle that made a funny shape move and wriggle on a screen as you pedalled (except Micky had to pedal for her).

Then it started to pour with rain! Since Micky had a relatively free afternoon, we stayed in her office, where she has a box of toys for visitors with small children. Later there were drinks for staff and partners to farewell the Dean, who is moving to Melbourne. One of the staff there greeted me by name ― I'm sure he wouldn't have remembered me studying there, except that Micky is there to remind him.

Then Micky had to leave at half past four to take Elin to baseball, so we walked together to the station. The rain had reduced to a sprinkle, and it was now fairly cool, so of course we scored an air conditioned train to go home .


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