Sunday, April 08, 2007


Easter is a family occasion: even more so than usual this year because Graham's mum (Nana Pat) is in Sydney.

On Friday we went to Mum and Dad's place for hot cross buns. Unusually for her, Louka didn't want one. This was particularly odd as they were a hundred times nicer than the Bakers Delight ones she generally gets.

On Sunday we went to Mum and Dad's place again for lunch. We picked up Graham's mum on our way. Mum always saves one of her extremely rich Christmas puddings for Easter, so the first course has to be relatively light. It was herbed chicken with potatoes and salad, delicious.

Of course we still ended up eating lots of chocolate too. In fact Louka started eating the chocolate bunny she'd been given, foil and all, before lunch, and then didn't want anything but chocolate. She also received a pretty gold name bracelet and some cute red shoes.

My sister's kids received a lot of little butterfly hair clips, so Mick pinned back Louka's hair with them. It looked lovely, but when she found she could pull them out she wanted to eat them. Mick also tried pinning back Max's hair, and Louka got in on the act.

After so much excitement and chocolate, Louka was pretty grumpy, and fell asleep as soon as the car started to go home.


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