Sunday, September 07, 2008

Fathers Day

Louka had made Daddy a pretty bookmark/gift tag at Art & Move on Friday, and today she got to give it to him. She had also chosen him a card with a badge saying "I am the boss", which he wore all afternoon. When he asked her what the badge said, she said "Bossy"!

As usual, we had lunch at my parents' place and my sister and family were also there. It would have been a barbecue, but the pouring rain of the last two days wet all the firewood, so instead Mum spent the miserable weather cooking delicious Indonesian food - opor ayam, rempah rempah and I forget the name of the beef dish. And then today was a lovely sunny Spring day, so we ate outside anyway.

As usual, Louka loved playing with her cousins, especially Max. She demanded he play "soccer" with her, but it seems soccer is her name for any ball game, and it turned out she really wanted to play ping pong. She was totally hopeless at ping pong, and mostly just tried to balance the ball on the bat, with no success. Hey, she enjoyed it so what else matters?


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