Sunday, March 08, 2009

Birthday celebration no. 3

This one for the mothers group. We held it in a nice shady, but not too popular park, and we all brought a plate (well ours was just a plastic bag) and a gift for one child. It's worked well every time.

Here's the food:

There were balloons:

and party hats:

Waiting for presents:

and opening presents:

Waiting for cake:

but I didn't end up getting one of eating the cake. We'd had to hurry things on a bit as rain was threatening, and the breeze made it impossible to light the candles on the cake, but some of the kids kindly pretended to blow them out anyway.

One incident marred the day a little for us: In her excitement Louka ran full-tilt into the pole for the swings. She now has a huge lump on her forehead, which should make a terrific bruise.



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