Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Little pink hippie

This morning a parcel arrived from an ebay seller ― a pair of fisherman's pants for Louka. This coincides with a new preference for having her hair all loose, so she looks like a little pink hippie.

It was too wet today to go to the park, so we went to Ikea instead.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Little batgirl

Today we went to Bunnings to get some Colorbond colour-matched paint for the house. On Saturday mornings they have face-painting for the kids, so I lined up with Louka. At first she said she wanted to be a monster, but looking through the book of designs, she decided she wanted to be Batman. Or Batgirl, I suppose. Black is her favourite colour.

The young woman painting faces had a badge saying she was new, so I asked if this was what she'd been expecting to do when she joined Bunnings. "Oh no, I was supposed to be on checkout, but they said I was bubbly".

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Little fair

This morning there was a fair on at our local church. I thought it might be a bit like the one we went to in Epping back in May. Turns out it was a much smaller affair, with mostly market stalls, raising money for the church. Still, we had fun for a little while, and it was only a block away from home.

When we arrived, Louka was offered a balloon. It promptly burst. Fortunately the young woman offered her another, which I looked after. Then we found the jumping castle. Louka loves jumping, and stayed in there quite a while.

When she emerged, we looked round all the market stalls but didn't see anything we wanted, so we headed for the tombola. First Louka threw five hoops and won four sweets. Then I had a go, and won a lanyard and a couple of pencil cases with sweets in them. I think Louka has enough sweets to last a year.

She went back to the jumping castle after that, but quickly decided she'd had enough, so we went home.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Holidays are over

Louka went to five holiday craft classes, and they were all a bit like the first ― she'd be engrossed while they were making something, then want me at morning tea break. I did manage on one occasion to go to Winnings and look at wall ovens but mostly I just got myself a coffee and sat outside and knitted.

Today, she had a dance class instead of a craft class. It was with a different teacher, in a different room and (obviously) a different activity, so I didn't go far. I was also unsure if she'd enjoy dance, after the hip-hop experience. However, though I stayed nearby (knitting) I didn't see her again till the two-hour class was over. The teacher said to me "she can dance ― she's very active". Not sure how to take that.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Still life

Louka took this photo in the cafe today. It came out pretty well, compared to most of her efforts.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I've booked Louka into some holiday craft classes, and the first of them was this morning. It went on for two hours, with a snack break in the middle. I wanted to see if I could leave Louka there on her own, so once she was settled in, I went off to the local shops and got myself a takeaway coffee, then snuck back and looked in through the window. She was totally engrossed, so I sat in the car with my coffee and a book. I checked through the window every so often, and she was fine, until snack time. She was starting to look unhappy, so I went in.

After snack time I thought I'd go off again, but Louka wanted to come with me so I stayed. For some of the time I sat outside the door reading, but when I looked in again Louka saw me and wanted me with her, so for the rest of the class I sat with her. She seemed to enjoy the class, which is just as well as I've booked her in for seven more.