Sunday, November 26, 2006

Visit from John and Meagan

John and Meagan were in Sydney overnight to do some Christmas shopping, and to catch up with us and Nanna Joyce.

Last night we went out to the local Korean restaurant, which has changed hands since we had our wedding reception there in 2002. They had run out of high-chairs so Graham went home and got our own.

Today we picked up Nanna Joyce and went to Café Saligna at Cumberland State Forest for lunch. There was a lovely drive through the forest, but when we reached the café they had no outdoor tables available, and some of the chefs were not there so there was a long wait for lunch. However, there was a gift shop and a native plant nursery to check out, and John had brought his laptop to show Joyce photos of their house in Orange. So the time passed pleasantly enough until the food arrived. My steak was excellent, and the prawn and mango salad also looked delicious.

Louka is nine months old today, so we decided to turn her car seat around to face the front. On the way to Joyce's place and on to Cumberland State Forest, she was smiling and laughing and it seemed she enjoyed facing forward. On our way back, she was clapping along to the sound of Abba on the car stereo, until she got tired and started to cry.


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