Sunday, December 03, 2006

Bits and bobs

Last week I was due to take Louka for her nine month checkup, but I had a cold so I cancelled it. I hope I'll be well enough this week.

On friday I found a new shop in Chatswood, Cotton On Kids, which had opening specials, so I bought her two lightweight longsleeve tops. The green one is a bit of a grown-up colour, but it looks lovely on her.

I also bought a kringler, like a giant danish pastry with almond filling, because my parents were coming round for afternoon tea. We enjoyed the kringler and tea while Louka had her gluten-free teething rusks.

On sunday we went round to my parents for lunch, instead of on monday as usual. Mum made a dish of pasta with vegetables, which Louka enjoyed for a few mouthfuls. Mum also made a dessert I'd told her about, from the grabyourfork blog. It was delicious, but Louka didn't have any.

Just as we were leaving, the neighbour showed us where a pair of king parrots were eating from his feeding dish. They were beautiful.


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