Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ferry to Manly

Louka wanted to go for a ferry ride to the beach today, so Manly it was. I eventually got her out of the flat without a menagerie of soft toys. We just missed a ferry so I bought her an ice-cream ― her first in a cone ― to fill in time. By the time we arrived it was lunch time and we found a fish-and-chip shop near the wharf and got lunch to eat on the beach.

We stayed on the harbour beach the whole time. First we had a little paddle. The water was clear and glassy-smooth, and at first felt ice-cold. We found a few mussel and cockle shells and a school of small fish, then chased a little flathead that kept trying to bury itself in the sand.

Then Louka wanted to play in the sand. She kept sending me down from the dry sand to the water to collect bucketfuls to wet the sand, fill holes and dissolve castles. Then she lay down and rolled in the sand. There was sand on her face and in her hair as well as all over her body. I took her down to the sea to rinse off, then she lay in the sand again. Eventually I decided we'd been in the sun long enough and found a (cold) shower and washed us both, then a café for afternoon tea before heading back on the ferry.

We arrived home after 5 o'clock, but Louka showed no sign of wanting a nap. Perhaps those days are over?


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