Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The sales

Today was the first day of the David Jones clearance sales, so Louka and I went out for a spot of shopping. Louka loves to look around these days, so instead of the ring sling, I took her in the baby bjorn.

Since one of Graham's two pairs of work pants is wearing out at the hem, we looked first for some pants for him. We found some that seemed ideal, at $79.95 with 30% off. Unfortunately the man behind the counter forgot to take the 30% off, and I didn't think to check till after I'd signed the chit. Then I checked, and pointed out that he'd forgotten. He tried to do a refund, but then the machine started playing up. Eventually with the help of another member of staff, I got my refund and we went off to the baby section to shop for Louka.

There we found a charming padded jacket with a hood, marked down to $29.95. It will probably be too hot for Sydney, even in the dead of winter, but hopefully we'll get some use out of it when we visit Perth in July and August. But there was only one in Louka's size, and it didn't have a price tag. So the lady behind the counter had to go off somewhere and get a barcode to put on it. The other lady there was on the phone, so the queue mounted up behind me.

Eventually we made it home with our loot, but it had all been a bit much for Louka. She alternated between feeding, falling asleep, and crying until Graham came home. Then she sat on his knee watching the ABC online news.

Unfortunately the pants we bought for Graham were too small, so we'll have to take them back: disappointing.


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