Sunday, June 18, 2006

Now mumsy sick too

I haven't been sick ― not even a cold ― since I got pregnant; but now I've caught the cold Graham brought home. I don't have it very bad, thank goodness, but now I bet Louka gets it too. She's been coughing a bit recently.

Yesterday we went to the North Sydney produce market in the morning, and bought four different kinds of sausages and some marinated lamb patties (as well as beetroots, cinnamon bear claws, cheese and crème fraîche). It was a nice sunny winter's morning and Louka enjoyed it all from the vantage point of the baby bjorn.

For lunch we visited Graham's chinese grandmother, Linda. Graham's aunt Clara was there to provide food and interpreter services. And she told me where to buy those yummy yum cha custard tarts ― in Lemon Grove at Chatswood. I foolishly hadn't checked I had a change of nappy in my bag for Louka so she wasn't as cheerful as she might have been.


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