Monday, June 05, 2006

Wet weather

Yesterday was cold and windy, and we didn't get to go for a walk till around lunchtime, so we walked to Crows Nest to find a café for lunch. We chose the Vineyard Bar Café because it looked interesting, the prices reasonable and the place not too crowded. That last point turned out not to be well judged, since there was a party of twenty in the back room, and a wait of twenty minutes for meals. Never mind. We chose to eat inside since it was cold and windy and there were people smoking outside. There were fake grapevines hanging from the ceiling, not too tacky, and pink hangings in the back room, all very atmospheric. The chicken burgers, when they arrived, were delicious, the burger buns neither soggy nor hard, and the chips hot and crisp.

We visited Graham's Nan in the afternoon. She's 92 years old and still lives in her own home, but when we visit there are usually a couple of chores for us to do. This time we put up some lace curtains and threaded a lot of needles so she could sew coathanger covers. This photo shows Graham's Nan on an earlier visit.

Louka fell asleep at 8pm, and slept through till 6am. We woke to the sound of rain, and the Bureau of Meteorology reported over 20mm of rain overnight. And it kept on raining all day, grey and cold. We visited Trishy and John for lunch, but we won't be seeing them again till next month because they're going to Italy.


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