Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Unhappy drives

Today my parents are off to Italy. I went to their place to say goodbye, pick up the kinderkot, and borrow their phone since ours is on the blink. When I got there I offered to drive them to the station, since they were going to catch the train to the airport. Their luggage fitted into the car, despite the inroads made by the car fridge and the baby seat, so off we went to the station. Louka had been asleep, and wasn't happy to be woken to get into her car seat. She cried on the way to the station.

Next stop Rhodes, to visit the office where I used to work. Rob had put aside some sling rings so I could make my own sling. This time Louka didn't cry, she screamed, whether we were moving or stopped at a light. When we parked near the newly revamped station, I put her in the sling and gave her a feed as we walked towards the office. This calmed her down, and by the time we arrived she was asleep. On the other hand, Rob was out, so I took the sling rings from his top drawer and left some money in their place. Then I waited in case he returned, which he did, so I stayed and chatted until my parking time was up.

Put Louka into her seat to drive home. The screaming didn't start immediately, but by Concord Rd she was well into it again and it continued to escalate till we reached home. As soon as I took her out of her seat she calmed down. But she's been very demanding all afternoon, crying as soon as I put her down. Seems like somethings bothering her, and she doesn't feel safe except in my arms.


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