Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Louka's slings

I'd bought a cheapish ring sling on ebay a while back, and found it much more comfortable than the simple pouch style slings I'd been using. However, it had only a very short "tail", so it couldn't be used to cover Louka from the sun, or while nursing in public. So I went onto ebay again and found a Maya Wrap sling. It was about twice the price of the other, but it was much longer, had a pocket in the tail, and even came with an instructional DVD ☺. I put in a bid, and won it at the starting price. The seller let me know she'd sent it off, and gave me feedback immediately, but then it didn't arrive. After a week I checked with her that she had in fact sent it when she had said, and she replied that yes, she had, and would I please let her know when it arrived as she was concerned about it going missing. At the end of the next week she contacted me again, and I had to reply that it still hadn't turned up. She offered to send me a replacement free of charge, and express post! So before I accepted this offer, I went to the post office to see if they could trace the original one for me. At first they said it wasn't really possible if I didn't have the card. Well that's a lot of use if I hadn't received a card. So I persisted, and they asked if I had any identification. I handed over my drivers license and lo and behold! my parcel was there. It had been there since two working days after it was sent! And guess what? later that afternoon the card for it appeared in my letter box ☺.

So now I have two ring slings, and never use the pouch style slings. So I put them up on ebay at 99c and now they're up to $10.19, with more than three days still to go. Yay!


Blogger Liz + Louka said...

I ended up getting $20.51 for the slings, which was pretty good :-)

12:46 pm  

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