Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A wintry day in Sydney town

Today was cold, wet and windy, and Louka's legionnaire's cap didn't cut it, so I dug out the pixie hat I'd knitted before she was born. She looked so funny and cute in it I had to take a photo before we left (causing us to just miss a train).

In town we met dadsy for lunch at David Jones food hall. As we approached the grill bar we saw it was full, and Amanda came out to tell us that the chef had left last week for a new job. We'll miss him ― especially as he'd promised to teach Louka to cook!

I was in town to look for a baptism gift for a friend's baby, so I looked around and decided on a nicely illustrated book of nursery rhymes. You can never have too many books. Then I met my mum for a cup of coffee.


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