Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Four month check-up

Today was Louka's four-month check-up. It was booked for 3pm, not the most convenient time, but Louka had had a nap in the morning and another after lunch. But when I woke her from her afternoon nap to take her to the Child Health Centre, she screamed and screamed. She doesn't like being woken, and sometimes not even waking up on her own.

I got to the station in time for a good train, bought my ticket, then realised I'd forgotten Louka's blue book (health record). Back home for the book, then back to the station in time for the 2:52 train. We were going to be late. Got there at 3:08 and had to wait ― the previous appointment had been late as well.

The child health nurse seemed more concerned about my asthma than about Louka. I hadn't even noticed I was breathing heavily, I'm so used to it, but she told me I needed to get a referral and a management plan. I suppose I should.

Louka's measurements:
Weight (in clothes) 7.8kg
Length 66cm
Head circumference 42cm

She's tall. On the charts in the blue book, she's close to the 90th percentile for all these measurements. And she's going fine in other ways too ― unlike her asthmatic mum. Hope she continues that way.


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