Friday, July 07, 2006


Poor Louka! She must have had a reaction to her vaccination yesterday, because last night she just screamed and screamed for about an hour. We gave her some baby panadol, and she eventually calmed down, whether because of that or just because, who knows? Got to sleep at last at 11:15 and slept just over six hours. Fed and slept again till after 9 o'clock.

Today is our wedding anniversary, and we had thought of going to the Lindt Café for breakfast; something we used to do before Louka was born. But we didn't want to wake her when she was sleeping peacefully, and Graham had to go to work. So we met there for lunch instead.

Graham also had a lot of loyalty card points to redeem ― enough for 10 individual chocolates. So he chose five and I chose five. What a good anniversary celebration!


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