Friday, July 14, 2006

Two different days

Yesterday was a big day for Louka. I was meeting my former workmates again at the Bayview for lunch, and having dinner with Graham's friend Dorian and fiancée Linda.

Louka fell asleep after breakfast and was still asleep when Rob emailed to ask what time lunch was booked. I told him 12, and that I'd probably be late. Louka woke at 11:30 and had a feed, then we rushed off, but we were still 40 minutes late. It was nice that she hardly cried in the car all the way. It was also Tania's birthday, but there was no cake and no embarrassing singing of Happy Birthday. I did lend Tania two books on watercolours, as she's going to Italy in September for a painting tour. Then I gave her a lift to Artarmon station ― fortunately Louka fell asleep after a while.

Dorian and Linda live at Narrabeen. So we entered their address into the Tomtom and set out in blind faith. It was actually very simple to get there. Dorian was very taken with some of the sexy foreign voices available on the Tomtom, particularly the Russian female voice. He cooked a delicious dinner of fish, prawns in a coating, and a range of vegetables, and we followed it with small glasses of Tokay. Graham gave Louka to Dorian to hold, and she started to pout and cry. Dorian took it as evidence that he wouldn't make a good father, but really she was just tired and cranky. I don't think one glass of wine and a little Tokay put me over the limit, but I was glad I wasn't breath tested on the way home.

Louka got to sleep at 11:25 ― fairly standard for her these days ― and didn't wake till around 6:30. She had a fifteen minute feed and fell asleep again, though somewhat restless, until after 9. She had a cheerful morning playing with her book, rattle and jungle gym, then fell asleep for another three hours. That made her pretty cheerful until dinner time, even though we hardly went out ― only as far as the greengrocer for some basil.


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