Monday, November 02, 2009

We're all going on a summer holiday

For my mum's birthday back in June, my sister and I gave her a family holiday in Gerroa. It was going to be last month, but my parents had just got back from an overseas trip the night before, so we postponed it to this weekend. Then the agent informed us that the balcony had blown off the house we'd booked, so we had to scout around for an alternative house that would also sleep the ten of us.

Graham, Louka and I drove down early Friday afternoon to pick up the key from the agent and to get dinner ready. Trishy and Johnny arrived a couple of hours later having battled peak-hour traffic. Then Micky and family arrived after dinner. I'd hoped to get Louka to bed before they arrived, because I knew she'd be excited to be with her cousins, but I was too slow.

The house was full of stuff. Toys, books, magazines, videos, extra pillows, sheets, etc. It would have been possible, if the weather had been unpleasant, to stay in the whole weekend reading and watching videos.

But in fact the weather was sunny and quite warm if a bit windier than was pleasant. It was nicer (more sheltered) in the shallow lagoon than on the sea beach, which suited Louka very well. There was also a jumping pillow in the caravan park on the other side of the lagoon, which was remarkably difficult to jump on. The others spent some time in the surf but we all ended up in the lagoon on Sunday.


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