Sunday, June 18, 2006


Louka's always been a great little sleeper at night. She goes to sleep around 10pm and wakes up around 6 or 7 in the morning. This morning it was nearly 8 o'clock.

But in the daytime it's a different story; she rarely takes more than a couple of very short naps, and that only while one of us is carrying her. If we try to put her in her cot, or indeed put her down at all, she just cries and screams. We gave up months ago trying to let her self-settle.

But today we thought we'd give it another try. We thought we'd give her a quarter of an hour. So we put her in the cot, shut the bedroom door, and set the timer. And before a minute was up, she was asleep! Yay! Not that it lasted very long, maybe half an hour, then she woke up wet and hungry and screaming. But it can be done.


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