Thursday, June 29, 2006

Chatswood again

I had hoped to have a relaxing day at home, especially since Louka didn't get to sleep until half past midnight last night. However, the toaster had other ideas. Halfway through toasting our breakfast muffins it popped up, and every time I pushed the lever down it tripped the circuit board. So off to the shops for a new toaster. There was one at Kmart marked down from $39.99 to $19.99 so I bought that, even though it's one of those obscure brands ― Cuché or possibly Cuche'.

Chatswood on thursdays holds a street market and one of the stalls today was selling babies' sheepskin bootees. They looked cute, and I succumbed and bought a pair: an impulse buy if ever anything was. They're too big for her, but as Graham pointed out, better than too small.

After dinner, Louka tried to help with the wiping up. But after she dropped a few things on the floor, Graham had to take over.


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